Marco Gragnoli


Marco was born in Florence on 28th July 1964. He attended the Pontormo High School in Empoli and then graduated in Economics at the University of Florence with a thesis on Corporate Liquidity Management.

He developed his first international knowledge during an experience in a leather and fashion business company, after which he became a Chartered Accountant and signed up with the Order of Florence.

He is the Managing Partner of HLB TAXLEX and deals in particular with the development of the Firm's Cross Border activities.

Through his experiences he has been able to specialise in the Construction and Real EstateHospitality and Food and Beverage sectors (with a focus on the Wine sector). His professional areas of activity range from Business Consulting to Corporate and Tax Adivisoy, to Finance and Mergers and Aquisitions.

From 2017 to March 2022, he was the President of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Florence for the Empolese Valdelsa area, a district in the Province of Florence  with approximately 170,000 inhabitants.

From 2019 he is still the Chairman of HLB Italy and member of the Board of Directors of HLB International.

Marco speaks very well English and Spanish.